What is Barphani Natural Cream? 

Barphani Natural Cream is the first cream based on Ayurveda that uses only essential oils and plant-based extracts to provide relief for eczema and other skin conditions. Barphani™ immediately provides relief from the dry, itchy skin by moisturizing the outer layer of the skin. More importantly, it delivers relief to the inner layers of skin by delivering essential oils which block the enzymes that cause eczema flare ups.

Barphani Cream is extremely effective for anyone who suffers from constant itching and eczema, psoriasis flareups with red, dry skin.


What is the difference between Barphani Natural Eczema Cream and Barphani Natural Psoriasis Cream? They look the same.

All  basic ingredients of the Barphani Eczema Cream and Psoriasis cream are same except there is a difference in formula and potency of each ingredients suitable for Eczema and Psoriasis. We are in process of making new version of this popular product where the packaging will be different and it will not be confusing. 


Does Barphani Natural Cream contains any steroids? 

No. Barphani™ is made with all natural and plant based ingredients and contains no steroids, hydrocortisone, artificial fragrances, or parabens. In fact, Barphani Natural Cream is safe and gentle enough for daily use. It is steroid free and paraben free.


How soon will Barphani Natural Cream work for me? 

The maddening itch which drives Eczema sufferers crazy will goes away almost immediately after you apply the cream for the first time. The average person will see noticeable improvement on the skin within 24 hours while seeing other symptoms go away within a week's time. 


How does Barphani Natural Cream works and why? 

Barphani Natural Cream formula is based on 5000 years old science of Ayurveda which originated in ancient India.

According to Ayurveda, eczema (Vicharchika in Sanskrit) can be primarily attributed to a poor diet and lifestyle which impairs digestion and aggravates Pitta dosha (biohumor representing Fire and Water).

Pitta shows up in the skin as blisters and breakouts due to the accumulation of internally heating toxins called amla. When these toxins enter the deeper layers of the bodily tissues they contaminate them to cause this condition.

However, eczema may also be caused due to an imbalance of the other doshas.

Here is a look at the different manifestations of the condition based on the dosha that is aggravated.

Vata dosha: This eczema is characterized by extreme dryness, scaling, itching and lots of pain and throbbing.

Pitta dosha: Pitta-type eczema shows up as red, blistery, bleeding, burning sensation and infections. Pitta people may be susceptible to seborrheic and contact dermatitis due to excess heat, particularly in the armpits and on the scalp.

Kapha dosha: Kaphic eczema itches, oozes and causes thickening of the skin. Kapha individuals may be prone to seborrheic eczema, especially in between rolls of fats as well as other moist sweaty areas.

Tridoshic eczema may show symptoms of all three types of eczema. This is commonly seen in most chronic cases.

The patented formula of Barphani Natural Cream is created to combat all 3 types of dosha. It works wonderfully on Eczema symptoms due to its ingredients and their inherent properties and promotes healing and new skin growth in shortest amount of time.


Is Barphani Natural Cream suitable for all ages? 

Barphani™ Natural Cream is designed to be used daily by people of all ages and skin types to prevent eczema and psoriasis flare-ups. We recommend to test the cream on a small part of the skin to check for any allergic reaction (which is very very rare). A little massage will help the cream to penetrate inner layers of the skin and deliver relief. 


Are there any side effects?

There are no known side effects from using Barphani™.

If you are taking prescription drugs and plan to use Barphani™, it is important and recommended to consult your doctor about possible interactions.

Safe to use with body wash, eczema shampoo, eczema gloves, men's hand lotion, spray lotion or moisturizer lotion.


Can I use Barphani Natural Cream with another remedy?

Yes. Many dermatologists have recommended the use of Barphani™ to address their patients’ eczema conditions. Once you start using Barphani™ you should not need to take anything else because it is known to work so well on its own.

Barphani™ Natural Cream is known to be an effective and non-harmful cream that is generally a positive choice for people who are not satisfied with the other tropical products currently available on the market.


How many tubes of Barphani I will need? 

Most customers only need one tube of Barphani™ to stop an eczema outbreak. 

